Behavioral Intervention Team

行为干预小组(BIT)是一个多学科的团队, campus-wide team responsible for assessing and responding to serious concerns and/or disruptive behaviors by students who may threaten the health or safety of the campus community or may be at risk of danger to themselves. B.I.T has a subgroup composed of college professional 工作人员 and 教师 成员 with expertise in health care and social services, known as the 护理团队, that addresses concerns and implements interventions to 支持 the general wellbeing of students via mental health and/or social services referrals.

By partnering with 成员 of the community, the team strives to promote individual student  well-being and success while prioritizing community safety.

Behavioral Intervention Team (B.I.T.)是一个定期开会的团队,为校园提供五个主要功能:

  • Act in a proactive manner to assist students.
  • 保密,谨慎处理所有事务.
  • Provide consultation and 支持 to 教师 and 工作人员.
  • Connect students with needed resources.
  • Recommend interventions or sanctions.
名字 & Title 电子邮件 电话

达西·肯普(主席), Vice President of 学生事务


伊丽莎白•康托尔, 学术顾问


切斯特DeGray, Deputy 警务处处长


大卫•Forton Senior 学术顾问


米格尔玛丽亚, Assistant Dean of 学生 Initiatives


何塞•里维拉 警务处处长


 Dr. 凯瑟琳·C. Senie,合规总监,平权行动官员/第九条协调员和《十大彩票平台》协调员


威尔玛泰恩, Director 三人组 学生 支持 Services


  • 增加对行为值得关注的学生的识别.
  • Centralize the process of collecting and assessing “red flags” raised by student behavior and documented by different sources within the college before there is a crisis.
  • Discuss situations brought to the team’s attention by any member of the college community seeking guidance on disruptive and/or problematic behaviors that might lead to aggression or self-harm.
  • 制定一个协调的计划来帮助处于危机中的学生, 降低风险, facilitate early intervention, and protect and maintain campus safety.
  • 协调与学生的后续工作,以确保推荐的服务, 支持, and resources are deployed effectively.
  • 在自己或他人面临迫在眉睫的威胁时,保护校园社区.

在一般情况下, any behavior that disrupts the learning environment of the campus community or causes concern for a student’s well-being should be 报告ed.  学生s who qualify for a B.I.T. 推荐人通常表现出以下一种或多种行为:

  • Personal safety concerns: 自残行为/自杀意念/谈话或企图, 抑郁症, 过度哭泣, 乏力, 食欲变化, disturbed or excessive sleeping, 改变卫生习惯, 以绝望或无助为主题的消极思维.
  • 个人的痛苦: Behaviors may include:  excessive absences, marked change in previous level of performance, significant relational/social isolation/withdrawal, 混乱, 定向障碍, 压倒性的焦虑, 踱来踱去, and impaired thinking.
  • Erratic, disruptive, or disturbing behavior (包括在线活动)对其他学生造成干扰, 教师, 工作人员, 或者社区. 行为可能包括:校园武器威胁, campus safety being compromised, 表现出, 情感的爆发, 失去理性, 发泄, 尖叫, 说脏话, 高能量输出, intimidation (verbal or nonverbal threatening).
  • Suspicion of drug and alcohol use while on campus or student self-报告s a dramatic increase in alcohol or drug use.


的担心 Report

It is the responsibility of individuals within the campus community to immediately 报告 any concerning behaviors. Each 报告 will be reviewed for appropriate action.  一个人可以通过两种方式提到B.I.T.:

  • Complete the secure, online 的担心 报告.
  • Make a 报告 directly to one of the B.I.T. 成员.

的 的担心 报告 is used to notify the BIT when a student is exhibiting concerning behavior that could escalate into harm to themselves or someone else in the campus community. It is also appropriate to file a 的担心 报告 simply to alert the BIT about a concern you may have for the general well-being of a student who may benefit from a social service or mental health referral.

当一个 的担心 报告 , BIT主席将通过电子邮件通知发件人已收到报告. 如有需要,主席将与发件人联系,要求提供额外的支持信息. 的 Chair will then meet with the student of concern to discuss the incident and provide the student an opportunity to respond to the information provided in the 报告.

的 Chair of BIT will then bring the 的担心 报告 to the BIT to review the information provided and devise an intervention plan. 主席将告知发送方BIT正在解决该问题. 主席还将与学生会面,讨论干预措施的实施情况. 在干预结束时,发送者和学生都将收到回应. 请注意,除非必要,干预的细节将不会与发件人共享.

的担心 报告 received

Sender notified that 报告 has been received

BIT reviews info and devises intervention

Sender and student receive response

Behavioral Intervention Team (B.I.T.)常见问题解答

  • Using a collaborative approach, the B.I.T. identifies concerning behaviors early and plans interventions that balance student 支持 with campus safety.
  • Provides consultation to 工作人员 and 教师.

校园社区内的任何人都可以通过 的担心 报告. 教师或专业工作人员也可以提交一份“关注股票”报告, or simply consult with a member of the BIT.

We encourage 成员 of the campus community to file a 的担心 报告 in any instance in which they have a concern about the safety or wellbeing of any student. 如果你观察到学生可能会对自己构成危险的行为, 其他人, or the college community, 或者如果你遇到一个学生的总体福利问题, 提交a股关注报告总是合适的.

只要有可能,你应该直接向学生表达你的担忧.  然而, 你是否应该担心自己或他人的安全, 为了所有相关人员的安全,你的最佳行动方案是获得B成员的干预.I.T.

You can always contact a member of the B.I.T. for consultation on a concern.  这些人可以就如何处理某一情况提供建议、想法和资源. 

您正在注册一个基于观察到的行为的关注.g., verbal exchange, action, etc.), not making a determination.  通过通知适当的校园代表,可以做出专业的决定.  让B.I.T. 权衡信息,决定是否需要收集更多的信息.

虽然行动/结果将取决于情况,B.I.T. will intervene in 支持 of the person of concern, 以及支持大学的政策和程序.

B.I.T. 会对提交委员会的每一份报告发表意见吗. B的干预.I.T. 成员通常涉及处理机密信息, 因此,那些提交报告的人不一定知道情况的解决方案.  If you continue to have concerns about the situation, please contact a member of the Behavioral Intervention Team 或学生事务副校长办公室.

Yes, you can; however, the B.I.T. strongly encourages 成员 of the campus community to identify themselves when 报告ing concerns in the event further information is needed to intervene.  无论如何,那些向B报告的人的身份.I.T. 在有安全隐患的情况下是否保密.

BIT will attempt to handle all matters discreetly. A student who is the subject of a 的担心 报告 will be given specific information about the behaviors/actions/concerns so they can respond to the 报告ed concern. 因此, it is possible that a student may know who made the 报告 through the circumstances described to them.

报告由学生事务副校长办公室管理,并由教务处审查.I.T. 成员 when appropriate.  学生 Disciplinary Records which include records related to the 学生 Code of Conduct and records related to the 学术 Integrity Policy are considered part of a student’s educational record.  Such records are maintained in accordance with the 1974 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

All 学生 Disciplinary Records are maintained for seven years after last date of attendance of the student.  If a student is assigned the sanction of expulsion, 学生纪律记录将无限期保存.  离校后不符合重新入学条件的, 学生纪律记录可保存至处分解除为止, 但前提是时间段满足上述条件.

  • 当受到直接的威胁行为时,请拨打分机号3911给校警打电话.
  • 当这种行为最好通过通常的课堂管理技巧来处理时.
  • 当很明显是学生行为不端时,最好通过通常的学生行为程序来处理.

We welcome all questions and suggestions.  To do so, please contact a member of the B.I.T. 或学生事务副校长办公室.

  • Poor class attendance
  • Desired major not offered
  • 学术 difficulties
  • Considering withdrawing from classes
  • Disruptive classroom behaviors
  • Disturbing written materials/class discussion
  • 低的动机
  • 酒精或毒品
  • 自残的行为
  • 抑郁症
  • Disordered eating behaviors
  • 焦虑
  • 情绪波动
  • Obsessively suspicious/paranoid
  • Significant changes in appearance or behaviors
  • Suicidal thoughts/attempt
  • Homicidal thoughts/thoughts of hurting 其他人
  • Bizarre/disjointed thoughts
  • Desire to be with friends/lonely
  • Relationship problems
  • 参与/婚姻
  • 消极的态度
  • Unhappy with spiritual life
  • Unhappy with social life
  • 家庭压力
  • Inappropriate display of anger/negative emotions
  • 骚扰
  • 滥用
  • Communicating threats
  • Display or use of weapon
  • Missing student (after multiple attempts to contact)
  • 物理攻击
  • 健康问题